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Put your Focus on Him


Updated: Jan 6, 2023

Put your focus on Him.

When Jesus said, "come". Peter got out of the water and walked on the water. Peter walked until he had faith and then when he was afraid, he began to sink. It's also true for us when we are in trouble. We get scared by things that look like they will overtake us, and we turn from Jesus, the source of our power and peace instead of fearing and focusing on the trouble, put your focus on Him and we will walk right through the troubles. When we choose to focus on the problems rather than the power, we sacrifice our connection with Jesus. Jesus is a power greater than the problems we face. Remember friends as Christians there are and will be many storms in our lives. But there only one thing that we can and need to do, put our focus on Jesus and as He saved peter from sinking, He will save you and me from sinking in our storms as well.

Invite Him in your boat (life).

Jesus always wants to walk towards you and me in our storms. The question is do we ask Him to save us, do we invite Him in our lives? Remember He came from heaven to earth for us. In our every storm Jesus wants to walk towards us, but do we really ask Him to save us. I encourage everyone today, please ask Him to calm the storm because only He can calm the storm. He always wants to walk towards you and me. Remember when Jesus stepped into the boat, the wind ceased. All we have to do is invite Jesus in our boats and the storm will calm and the winds will start to cease. And always remember never doubt, as it is written in the scriptures Jesus said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt? Living in this world, we all face different storms and sometimes we think that these storms are too big. Sometimes we doubt as well because we are human. But always remember no storm, no problem is too big for our God. He is the creator of the universe. So, remember whenever you are going through a storm. Don't tell God that it's too big of a storm, tell the storm that our God is bigger than you.


A. A.

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